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In the News: 26 Jan – 1 Feb 2018

Date 1.02.2018

Jess Jennings, a student nurse based at Northampton General Hospital has been Tweeting about her excitement in qualifying. She spoke to the BBC’s Stuart Linnell last week about her love for the job, and the fantastic support and training given by the University of Northampton nursing team. Well done them – and congratulations to Jess and all our other nursing graduates (starts 2h 18m).

Over on the JISC website, our Dean of Learning and Teaching, Professor Alejandro Armellini, has been explaining the thinking behind the University’s active blended learning, and why it’s at the very heart of our teaching – to the extent that the purpose-built Waterside campus will have no large lecture theatres.

Our Women in Sport conference continues to receive media coverage. Regional journalists’ go-to website, Hold the Front Page, has carried the story, while FC Business has featured the latest guest to be added to the bill –  football brand analyst, Giulia Zecchini, from global media marketing analysts Nielsen Sports.

We’re also getting pretty excited about Radio 1 DJ, Daniel P Carter, who is coming to campus next week. He’s so famous they play his songs in space. You can read all about that on the Chamber of Commerce website.

The Business Times reports that Natasha Bayes, researcher and graduate of the university’s Masters in Public Health course whose dissertation focused on people’s experiences of food poverty, has commenced an evaluation into the effectiveness of a collaborative and multi-disciplinary food and poverty programme based in the town. The evaluation is in collaboration with colleague Dr Roz Collings, and the findings of the evaluation will be reported in late 2021.