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In the news: 17-23 May 2024

Date 23.05.2024

A round up of recent mentions in the media of the University, our staff and students.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a General Election for 4 July. Senior Lecturer in Journalism and former Westminster reporter Kate Ironside spoke about this to BBC Radio Northampton. Listen again (starts at around 1hr 10mins).

Senior Lecturer Claire Drakeley spoke to Event Industry News about forthcoming research to address the issue of ad-hoc and subjective decision-making processes prevalent within the sector.

Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management and Marketing Fabio Carbone is quoted in a Times Higher article about keeping Palestinian education alive during the Israel/Gaza conflict.

Events students have raised £1,421 during a charity dog walk, as reported by the Northampton Chronicle & Echo.

The story of Environmental Science student Georgie Brayshaw’s recovery from an accident that left her temporarily paralysed features in the Yorkshire Post.

For this week’s Open4Business show on NLive Radio Alastair McLeod talked about ‘finding his tribe’ and how his earlier international business career has prepared him to help local businesses. Listen again.