In the news: 10-16 April 2020
Date 16.04.2020
A round-up of mentions in the media of the University during the past week.
The University has extended the suspension of face-to-face activities and provisional reopening date, as reported in the Chronicle and Echo and Northants Chamber.
The county’s very own ‘Captain Calm’ during the pandemic, our Visiting Professor Dr Steve O’Brien, was back on the air with BBC Radio Northampton giving the health professionals take on the latest developments, including how it is affecting people who live and work in care homes.
Listen again here (he appears at: 1:13:00 and 1:48:38).
Social Psychology lecturer Sebastian Bartos spoke with BBC Northampton’s Wayne Bavin about how people are coping with being in ‘lockdown’.
Listen again here (3:27:30 in).
Further Education News reported that two UON staff members – Nick Allen and Becky Bradshaw – have signed-up as part of the NHS ‘volunteer army’ to support their local communities.