Graduate School poster competition showcases early career researchers work
Date 16.05.2019
The Annual Research Poster Competition is the flagship event for the University of Northampton’s Graduate School. Now in its 14th year, the competition brings together Postgraduate researchers from across the University to present their research to fellow researchers, a panel of judges and staff and students.
This year, eleven postgraduate research degree students presented their work at the event, which was held for the first time at Waterside Campus on 15 June. As well as celebrating the diversity of research taking place within the postgraduate community, the competition supports researchers to hone their skills in presenting their research to the public.
With just one side of A1 paper, the researchers test their communication skills as they distil their research down to its most concise form, as well as developing their creative skills using design concepts. The researchers then present their posters to judges and exhibit visitors – using only plain English.
Congratulations to Kardi Somerfield winner of the poster competition, and runner-up Jaqueline Batchelor.
Professor Matthew McCormack, Head of the Graduate School, said: “It was a great opportunity for postgraduate researchers, supervisors and undergraduate students to hear about research going on across the University. The annual competition reflects the University’s commitment to outstanding research. This event celebrates the significant contribution that our postgraduate researchers make to the academic life of the University.”
The winners of the Graduate School’s Images of Research Competition were also announced at the event. This contest invites researchers from across the institution submit an image, accompanied by 150 words of text, which captures the essence of their work. The images of research entrants have been on display on campus for the last few month, and over 200 votes were cast by students, staff and visitors.
The winner of the ‘People’s Choice’ category, revealed as Wafa Zekri with her image How do We Develop an Identity?. Ben Thomas, Editor of All Things Business then presented the ‘Professionals Choice’ award to Laura Patterson, for her image, ‘Navigating the Wilderness’.