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Fashion Design student awarded the Curriers Scholarship for Leather

Date 16.11.2015

​​Ngoni Chikwenengere, who is currently a third-year student on the BA (Hons) Fashion Design programme, has been awarded £3,500 to help support her Leather Fashion collection for her final major project.

The Curriers Scholarship is a dedicated award to support third year BA (Hons) Fashion, Textiles, Footwear and Accessories students who propose to specialise in the use of leather as a raw material for their final major project to be completed in June 2015.

Alongside Ngoni, five other third-year Fashion, Textiles, Footwear and Accessories students took part in the presentations to the Curriers.

Ngoni commented: ” Winning the Curriers Scholarship was a surprise and an honour, having my vision and design direction has given me more confidence with my work and in myself. I am looking forward to being able to buy the best quality leathers and equipment to aid me with making a fantastic final collection that will be a great segue into my post-graduate working life. Having a strong collection means having a better chance at employment. The award was very beneficial as I won’t have to worry about getting what I need.”

Caroline Southernwood, Senior Lecturer in Fashion, added: “Many thanks to the Worshipful Company of Curriers as this generous scholarship will fully support Ngoni. I’m looking forward to seeing her innovative and unique leather collection of garments.”

Written by Laura Bushell