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Employers find out about the benefits of apprenticeships

Date 5.12.2016

A range of employers attended a free event hosted by the University of Northampton which shed light on the benefits of apprenticeships.

The University teamed up with South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) and Northampton College to host The Future of Apprenticeships event, held on Friday 2 December at the University’s Innovation Centre.

“Government reforms mean businesses who take on apprentices can receive greater benefits than in the past, but many employers might not know about them,” said Simon Longhurst, Executive Education Development Manager at the University.

“Not only did delegates get to find out more about the apprenticeship levy, which is part of the Government’s drive to train three million new apprentices by 2020, but they were also able to hear from employers who are already reaping the benefits of hiring apprentices.”

Speakers at the event included the University’s Dean of the Faculty of Business & Law, Mairi Watson, SEMLEP’s chief executive, Stephen Catchpole and Mike Cox, operations director of the Association of Employment and Learning Providers.

Representatives from local firms also presented at the event, including Opus Energy and Weetabix.