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Education differences discovered on exchange trip to Germany

Date 29.06.2018

Eleven third year students studying on the Primary Education and the Early Years courses’ have recently returned from an Education exchange trip with the University of Education in Weingarten, Germany.


The students, who will graduate in a few weeks’ time, got a taste of the German education system as they taught classes in Primary and Secondary schools, as well as attending seminars with the German students.


Ryan High, a third year student, studying on the BA Primary Education programme said: “Teaching in Germany was a fantastic experience; although it did draw on my knowledge to overcome the language barriers and teaching style differences to run a successful class.


“The German exchange trip was a fabulous experience shared with a brilliant group of people. We all enjoyed visiting a wide range of schools and compared them to the English system. We found some of the schools left us with very varying opinions. The students from Wiengarten organised some brilliant excursions including a trip to Lake Konstanz which borders Switzerland and Austria near the Alps.”


Emma Whewell, Senior Lecturer in Education: “The students explored the universities extensive Primary school and Montessori resources and the Baroque Basillica. They were an asset to the University and have developed a good deal in terms of their resilience, understanding of languages and language teaching and their cultural awareness.”

Student Sara Northover said: “The German exchange trip was an eye-opening experience, looking into the similarities and differences between both the German and English primary and secondary schools. Looking at their approach to teaching and learning and how children are progressed through into a choice of multiple secondary schools, which lead to different paths. In the afternoons we spent our time visiting the PH Weingarten University Montessori studio, looking at the different elements used for ‘learning through play’ and even had a lesson of our own learning useful German phrases.

“The students from Weingarten did an amazing job organising and executing some fantastic trips for us, including a personalised guided tour of Ravensburg from Jannik and the trip to Insel Mainau a beautiful island of flowers. Throughout the whole trip, the German students were welcoming and made sure we were all involved and happy. We all had such an amazing time and are very thankful to be a part of this exchange programme

Earlier in the year, the students from Weingarten visited the University of Northampton and took an active role both in University life and also within local schools teaching English school children.