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Dogs with jobs – Laura puts the spotlight on working canines

Date 30.08.2018

The positive impact working dogs have on people’s lives has been documented by a photography student from the University of Northampton.

Laura Wiggins focused on the bond between our four-legged friends and their handlers and owners for her final year project, Dedicated Dogs.

For the series, Laura photographed the following:

Laura, who graduated from the Photography course in July, said: “Dogs deserve recognition for their lifelong commitment to people and my project was a great opportunity to do this.

“I’m hoping it raises awareness of the passion, dedication, and intelligence of working dogs and their relationship with us humans.

“Inspiring a single person to donate any spare change, sponsor a working dog or volunteer their time for a working dog charity themselves, for instance, will ultimately be the best accomplishment for all the hard work, perseverance and effort that I have and will continue to commit to this series.”

You can view more of Laura’s photographs and learn more about working dogs here.