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Charities and third-sector organisations invited to have their say at Brexit event

Date 9.06.2017

Charities and voluntary organisations in Northamptonshire, plus the general public, are being given the opportunity to have their say on post-Brexit Britain at a special event.

Brexit and Civil Society is the second in a series of three events examining the potential impact of Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Organised by University of Northampton students, together with Northamptonshire County Council, the event follows on from the hugely successful first event in March, which examined Brexit’s impact on jobs and prosperity.

The second instalment will explore the impact of Brexit on the community and community relations, the third and charity sector, the demand for and delivery of social services, immigration and cross-cultural integration.

The evening will include a Question Time-style session, with the audience interacting with a panel which will include the University’s Senior Lecturer in International Relations & Politics, Suzanne McDonald-Walker; Mike Britton, founder of Goodwill Solutions CIC; Dominic Hopkins, partner of Hewitsons LLP law firm; Victoria Miles, Chief Executive of Northamptonshire Community Foundation and leader of Northamptonshire County Council, Cllr Heather Smith.

BBC Radio Northampton presenter John Griff will be question master for the evening.

It promises to be a lively as well as highly topical debate, part of a major ‘listening and learning’ research project being undertaken in the county by the University following the EU Referendum vote last June.

Sarah Crooks, an International Business undergraduate who is helping to organise the event, said: “As with the first debate, our aim is to provide a non-partisan platform for the third sector and wider community to express their views, hopes, fears and aspirations about Brexit.

“This will help us understand better the public’s mood and inform policy and perhaps highlight issues for further research.”

Brexit and Civil Society takes place in the Council Chamber at County Hall, George Row, Northampton, on Thursday 22 June, from 5.45pm to 8pm.

The event is free to attend, but as places are limited, attendees must register in advance via the website.

There will be the chance to submit questions for the panel prior to the event.