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Kirsty Lane

DipHE Paramedic Science*

  • Year of graduation: 2010
  • Current job title: Lecturer in Paramedic Science/Advanced Paramedic Practitioner
  • Current employer: University of Northampton and Blue PCN
  • Industry sector: Healthcare and Higher Education

Your University Journey

Why did you choose your course at UON?

I remember looking at many universities providing Paramedic Science as a course option, but the thing that stuck out about the University of Northampton was the size of the cohort and how I felt valued as an individual and not just another student number. I liked the idea of having a small cohort, one where I would know both the other students and the lecturers and feel supported throughout my course. I felt within the interview process that they cared about me as a person – what I had achieved and what I could bring to both the role and the University. I also liked the fact that the lecturers were all paramedics, so those teaching me knew the role and the possible challenges I would face.

What aspects of the course did you enjoy the most and why?

I enjoyed the practical sessions and the placements the most – I feel I’m more of a practical learner so this suited my learning style. The practical sessions enabled me simulate my assessment and management skills in a safe environment and allowed me to feel confident prior to placement where I would then be putting these skills into practice in a real life environment.

Your Placement

Did you complete a placement?

Yes, I completed the majority of my placement with East Midlands Ambulance Service in Northampton, but I also completed some hospital placements which allowed me to observe and interact with different specialisms and gave me a better understanding and improved my knowledge.

Please describe how your placement benefitted you?

Placements allowed me to see first-hand the conditions that I’d been taught about in theory sessions and enabled me to put into practice the assessment and management skills I’d been taught, but with constant support. It also allowed me to build my confidence in myself and my abilities.

What employability skills did you develop during your placement?

I developed strong communication, teamwork and leadership skills, which are all vital attributes to possess as a paramedic, but equally have served me in other areas of my life as well. I also developed strong decision-making skills and the confidence to stand by my decisions.

How do you think placements helped you to gain employment after graduating?

I believe placements gave me a greater confidence in myself and my abilities.

Do you have any tips on applying or getting the most benefit from your placement?

I would say you need to come up with some good action plans prior to your placement – what is it you want to achieve and how can you and your mentor support and assist you in getting there? This will give a focus to your placements and make you push yourself further than you think.

What advice would you give a student about to begin a placement?

Enjoy it!

Your Career Journey

How do you think your studies have helped your career or personal development?

My studies gave me the skills and confidence to start my career and then to progress within it. It gave me the foundations of higher education and the enjoyment of learning, which has led me into further education and learning, as well as career development.

Describe your career progression so far, and any plans you have for the future. Are there any particular hurdles you may face?

I started work as a paramedic and then progressed within my role, becoming a manager within the ambulance service. From there I returned to the University of Northampton as a lecturer on the Paramedic Science course, which was not something I’d seen myself doing, but which I thoroughly enjoy. I’m currently working as a paramedic within a GP surgery and undertaking my master’s degree in Advancing Practice.

Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree are most useful in your current role?

All the knowledge and skills I gained on my degree have been useful in my current role.

Your advice

In one sentence, what advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path or anything you wish you had known earlier.

This job is a hard job with many challenges, but it’s also one of the best and most rewarding jobs.

In ten words, or less how would you summarise your UON experience?

Informative, exciting and fun.

*  UON no longer offers DipHE Paramedic Science. You can study Paramedic Science BSc (Hons).