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Jayne Evans

Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)

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  • Course of study: Higher Learning Teaching Assistant
  • Year of study: 2023

Your university journey so far

Why did you decide to study at the University of Northampton?

I felt like I had reached a ‘ceiling’ when looking at jobs within my role as a Teaching Assistant as I wanted to progress. I interviewed for the role of a HLTA at my school and was unsuccessful, but I impressed my principal so much that she wanted to put me forward for HLTA status. The assessment was well organised and very supportive, I felt instantly at ease and felt empowered enough to progress onto the Foundation Degree in Learning and Teaching at University of Northampton. From gaining HLTA status I felt that Teaching was my calling and now was the time to complete my degree. The University was local to me and I heard good things about the teaching and the support provided to students.

I really enjoyed completing the BA Learning and Teaching, in particular undertaking the ‘Culture and Identity’ module whereby I was able to apply ideas concerning social class, race and gender to my own practice and consider issues around equality of opportunity for the children I teach. You are provided with the opportunity to reflect on your practice and consider further opportunities for development – the biggest obstacle for me being asking for help!

I was able to plan, lead and complete my undergraduate Dissertation which meant collecting data from my school, this process has been rewarding and fed into my presentation for my Teaching Apprenticeship which I plan on starting in September 2023!

What are your career goals/aspirations?

By July 2024 I will be a qualified primary school teacher, I am currently working as an unqualified Key Stage 1 teacher.

How do you think your studies will help your career or personal development when you graduate?

I feel empowered to now become a fully qualified teacher. I feel more informed about learning theories, current ideas around pedagogy and what it means to become a critically reflective practitioner. From studying a Higher Learning Teaching Assistant (HLTA), Foundation Degree in Learning and Teaching (FDLT) and a Bachelors in Learning and Teaching (BALT).  I feel this has more than prepared me for working and leading in the primary sector.

Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree do you feel will be most useful in your future career?

Being a reflective practitioner, social class and issues around equality and having a theoretical understanding of how to support children with a range of special educational needs.

Your advice.

In one sentence, what advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path, e.g. tips on gaining entry, accessing opportunities, anything you wish you had known earlier?

Ask for help! Your lecturers are very supportive and will do whatever they can to support you.

In ten words, or less how would you summarise your UON experience so far?

Empowering, thought provoking, challenging but more than worthwhile.