Clearing is now open. Call to find your place: 01604 214808.
The Counselling Service is located at Riverview Hub, Waterside Campus.
All initial appointments are via telephone. If you require an alternative (in-person or video appointment), please email and we will contact you to discuss alternative options. This is more likely to result in a longer wait to be seen and you may want to book one of our drop-in sessions to speak with a member of the Counselling and Mental Health Team in the meantime.
If you have any concerns about your mental health please book an appointment with your GP or phone the Northamptonshire 24/7 Mental Health Number: 0800 448 0828 or visit their website. If you are not in Northampton, to find mental health support in your local area, please visit this NHS website.
For any other support, please contact The Samaritans 116 123, Rape Crisis 0808 802 9999, National Drugs Helpline 0800 776 600, Victim Support 0845 303 0900, National Domestic Violence 0808 2000 247 or NHS 111. You may also find the following links useful:
Never Ok: The University of Northampton is committed to ensuring and promoting student safety and takes incidents of sexual violence or harassment very seriously. We want to make sure that any students affected by this are able to access appropriate information and support. Please visit our Never Ok webpages (student login required) for more information.
If you need immediate medical attention, call the emergency services on 999
If you have any concerns about your mental health please book an appointment with your GP, phone the Northamptonshire 24/7 Mental Health Number: 0800 448 0828 or visit their website.
For Exam and Academic Stress, please see our Exam Struggles and Support webpages or contact the Student Support and Advice Team (please note: Student logins required).
What you can expect from us
An initial appointment lasts 50 minutes and is an opportunity to decide whether counselling at the University is appropriate for you.
We offer short term counselling of up to 6 sessions, which provides an opportunity for you to explore and make sense of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
If you need more specialised help your counsellor will identify the appropriate place and discuss this with you. The service offers a free confidential and non-judgemental service to all students. An exception to confidentiality is if, in extreme circumstances and in the professional opinion of the counsellors, serious harm may come to your and/or other persons(s) involved with you. In such a situation your permission would usually be sought before telling anyone else.
What we expect from you
Please be available on time for appointments.
If you are unable to keep an appointment we would appreciate notice of cancellation, simply telephone us on 01604 892253 or email This means that the session could be made available to another student, especially at our busiest times
The Intake paperwork must be completed and returned to us via email in plenty of time before your appointment.
Please note, if you do not attend or cancel, it could be up to 8 weeks before the next available appointment. If you miss 2 booked intake appointments within the same semester, we will be unable to offer any further appointments until next semester but you can still attend drop-in sessions to discuss further and access support in the meantime.
Please click on the submit button to send your request