The research is centred around the postdramatic multimedia performance group Gob Squad. This performance collective endeavours to inject the ‘real’ into their work and by using audience participation in their performance Western Society, they attempt to capture an instance of the authentic self by shifting the audience members’ perception from their place amongst others into a liminal space of participation.
In order to understand their approach to performance making continental philosophy needs to be revisited, in particular phenomenology, in order to understand the world we live in and the others that we share it with. As current communication technology progresses, the existential search for authenticity is as important to contemporary society as it was in the early and mid-20th century.
Presenting the paper ‘The Performed Mediation of Scientific Theory’ at the Performing Science conference at the University of Lincoln in 2014.
Director of a Masque Theatre production of Sartre’s ‘No Way Out’.
Long-time student of theatre and performance, director, musician and technician. Great curiosity of continental philosophy.