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University teams talk about all things health with new podcast

Date 6.06.2019

University lecturers can now be heard across the digital airwaves talking about topical subjects after starting a new health podcast.

Created by James Fawdon, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing, The Health Handover is delivered in association with St Andrew’s Healthcare.

Each episode discusses an area of health and wellbeing with experts from education and practice from the University’s Faculty of Health and Society, joined by external guests. Episodes available to listen to include:

  • Mental health awareness week and how to take steps to look after your mental health wellbeing
  • Shift working for health professionals and how they can stay healthy when working throughout the night
  • Brian Dolan, Hon. Prof. Leadership in Healthcare, Uni of Salford, spoke about the ‘Last 1000 Days’ campaign and ‘PJ paralysis’.

Episode 4, which will be available Thursday next week, has guest contributor Ged Rogers from St Andrew’s join the conversation about what they do, how to support student nurses who are new to mental health and how nurses can better work with patients who have dementia.

Talking about his decision to start the podcast, James said: “Firstly, I must say many thanks to St Andrew’s for their support in getting The Health Handover off the ground.

“I listen to podcasts quite often and find them a good way to learn something new and relax at the same time. Given the huge range of expertise across the Faculty’s health subjects, I thought it would be good for us start our own and spread the word about what we are doing here at the University. We’ve completed four episodes in just a few weeks and have many more planned; I think people will be surprised about how much goes on here and the breadth of knowledge at the University.

“The podcast is aimed at health professionals and health students, but we are keeping the conversations relaxed and light so anyone anywhere in the world with even a passing interest in health can tune in.

“Future plans for The Health Handover include building up a good base of followers and, in time, opening out the format to include questions our listeners are interested in the panel exploring. Until then, any suggestions for future episodes are welcome through email.”

If you are interested in catching-up with the discussions listen again on the main Health Handover website, search in iTunes for ‘The Health Handover’ or through their Spotify account.

Any questions can be emailed to: