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Filip’s United Arab Emirates adventure bolsters his course and career credentials

Date 14.01.2020

A student with ambitions to work in the fields of wildlife conservation and biodiversity has returned from a study trip of a lifetime after securing more than £900 in funding.

Filip Kovachevich is the latest University of Northampton undergraduate to benefit from the Santander Travel Fund.

The Environmental Science third year student secured £930 to help pay for a 10-day trip to the United Arab Emirates, in December.

During his stay, Filip took in a wildlife sanctuary in Dubai, a national park and a wetland reserve in Abu Dhabi, plus the sustainable city project, Masdar.

“The trip was beneficial for both my course, and my future career, because it gave me an opportunity to visit interesting sites and expand my knowledge of ecology, biodiversity and sustainable development,” said Filip, who is originally from Bulgaria.

“I was also able to familiarise myself with sustainability, renewable energy and water efficiency projects, the common and scientific names of animal and plant species, biodiversity and wildlife conservation.”

The Santander Travel Fund is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Northampton who wish to travel overseas to help improve either their education, employability or entrepreneurship.

You can find out more on our website.