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Diabetic patients benefit from nursing graduate’s ‘foot assessment’ audit

Date 17.10.2018

Patients with diabetes in Northampton will benefit from enhanced patient care in hospital, thanks to the work of a University of Northampton graduate.

Yasmin Al-Azzawi (pictured third from the right), who completed her Adult Nursing degree earlier this year, conducted an internal review of foot assessments for diabetic patients admitted to Northampton General Hospital (NGH).

As a direct consequence of Yasmin’s findings, funding has been allocated to provide extra training for ward staff in providing these assessments and created a new role supporting diabetes care.

Foot assessments for people with diabetes are of vital importance because, due to poor blood supply and nerve damage, foot problems such as ulcers are common amongst diabetics.

Identifying these problems early through a hospital assessment can lead to improved recovery for the patient and, potentially, reduce the burden on the health service*.

Yasmin went on to win first prize at NGH’s annual ‘Clinical Audit Presentation’. Her win had extra significance as the other candidates were junior doctors who completed their audits as part of a team. Yasmin completed her audit on her own.

Commenting on the audit win, Yasmin said: “When they announced my name I was shocked but very humbled. I was also pleased as I put a lot of hard work and passion into this project and to have that recognised was a wonderful moment and great personal achievement.

“I felt fortunate to just get shortlisted, especially as I was the only nurse presenting and the other contestants were doctors who’d worked with a team of people but I did my audit on my own.

“My next steps are to ensure the audit continues and I also the hope to get it published for other colleagues and hospitals, as it could be used as a tool in other trusts.

Cindy O’Dell, Senior Lecturer for Adult Nursing at the University, said: “Clinical audits are a routine part of a junior doctor’s role, but not necessarily for student nurses, so it was an unusual route for Yasmin to take.

“To be asked to present her findings is a win in itself, but to go on and scoop the prize as the only nurse among five junior doctors is absolutely amazing. Well done to Yasmin, who embodies everything that is brilliant about our nursing graduates.”

Maria Mousley, AHP Consultant Podiatrist Diabetes/Tissue Viability at Northampton General Hospital, added: “As part of her Undergraduate nursing student degree course, Yasmin collected local data for diabetic foot checks on a variety of wards at NGH.  We then implemented training for those wards and Yasmin re-audited and found limited improvement.

“As a result of the evidence Yasmin gathered, we have managed to attract a portion of NHSE Sustainability and Transformation funding to provide training for ward staff and therefore improve diabetic foot checks for inpatients at NGH.”

Find out more more information about the Adult Nursing degree at University of Northampton.

* A report published in 2012 by NHS Diabetes estimated that around £650 million (or £1 in every £150 the NHS spends) is spent on foot ulcers or amputations each year.