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Trish McCourt

  • Course studied: MSc Public Sociology*
  • Year of graduation: 2022
  • Current job title: Housing Led Facilitator
  • Current employer: East Midlands Community Led Housing
  • Company website:
  • Industry sector: Housing

Your University Journey

Why did you choose your course at UON?

As a mature student, I was looking to find a course that allowed me to use the skills that I had gained from many years of working in the social housing sector as well as bringing me back into the world of education and learning within a supportive university environment. The University of Northampton was uniquely placed to provide this, being one of the very few organisations in the country which offered an MSc in Public Sociology and being so welcoming to someone like myself who had been out of the academic world for many years.

What aspects of the course did you enjoy the most and why?

I found the whole course really interesting as I had not studied sociology before and so it opened my eyes to a way of thinking and viewing the world that I had not previously experienced. I particularly enjoyed the balance of students on the course, as it included both younger students who had recently completed their undergraduate degrees as well as more mature students who may of been out of education for a long time but had years of work and life experience to bring to the discussions. This inclusivity was important and contributed to a much richer learning environment.

I also enjoyed the focus on communication which included a module on media as well as assignments which were submitted through a range of innovative and practical methods such a social media campaign, an infographic, a research presentation proposal and a formal campaigning report. These used skills I already had from my previous career as well as developing new ones.

Your Career Journey

How do you think your studies have helped your career or personal development?

My studies have given me the skills needed to apply for different jobs and confidence in being able to learn and develop as a mature student. It has also provided the with the experience of working with a local community garden charity as part of the research I did for my dissertation and an interest in maybe working within a different sector.

Describe your career progression so far, and any plans you have for the future. Are there any particular hurdles you may face?

My career has been mainly in the social housing sector, both in local government and a housing association and I would be interested to consider future work opportunities in the voluntary sector. I would also maybe consider future academic opportunities.

Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree are most useful in your current role?

Being able to present information in a wider range of mediums which include newer forms of communication such as social media. Also the academic research skills that I developed through the research methods module and the dissertation that I undertook on Community Gardening. This involved primary research in a real community project and was warmly welcomed by the organisation and its lovely participants and was added to their website.

Are you currently involved in any community or volunteering projects?

I work in a community led housing role so this involves working directly with community groups. I am hoping to participate in the community garden project where I did my dissertation research.

Your Advice

In one sentence, what advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path or anything you wish you had known earlier?

I have found it an enormously enjoyable experience with dedicated staff and a creative and innovative programme of study which offers a great deal of applied knowledge and skills which are very relevant to the world of work in 2022.

In ten words, or less how would you summarise your UON experience?

Supportive, enjoyable and rich in learning and personal development.

*  UON no longer offers MSc Public Sociology.