Kayleigh Sanders

Psychology BSc (Hons)

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  • Year of graduation: 2015
  • Current job title: Trainee Clinical Psychologist
  • Current employer: NHS
  • Industry sector: Health and Social Care

Your University Journey

Why did you choose your course at UON?

When I came to look at the University in 2011, I fell in love with it. I knew I wanted to study Psychology, but I just needed to decide where. I loved that Northampton is very centralised in the country and the town had everything I needed.

What aspects of the course did you enjoy the most and why?

I loved the variety of modules I could choose from and the support I received from the staff. I still feel this now, ten years later.

Extra-curricular activities

What extra-curricular activities did you participate in whilst studying at UON?

I was a Student Ambassador.

How did this extra-curricular activity enhance your career prospects?

It gave me a role of responsibility for the course and for my peers.

Your Career Journey

How do you think your studies have helped your career or personal development?

My course massively shaped my career – it gave me a huge amount of knowledge, which I’ve now been able to use in my practice. The research experience I got from both my undergraduate and my master’s courses has been invaluable in securing me a place on the Doctorate for Clinical Psychology course.

Describe your career progression so far, and any plans you have for the future. Are there any particular hurdles you may face?

I’ve worked in many roles – Healthcare Assistant in Neuropsychology, Assistant Psychologist in a private brain injury rehabilitation centre, and an Assistant Psychologist in the NHS in an Older People’s Community Mental Health Team and Memory Assessment Service. I’ve also trained and practised as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner for the past two years. I’m now securing a place on the Clinical Psychology doctorate.

I’ve faced many hurdles along the way, as this career isn’t an easy one, but if you persevere and grow from them, you will succeed in your journey.

Which, if any, skills and knowledge/understanding gained on your degree are most useful in your current role?

All skills are transferable in some way, may that be presenting skills, or essay and report writing skills. Academically, you take a lot away. But you also take with you all the knowledge and interpersonal skills you learn.

Your advice

In one sentence, what advice would you give to undergraduates interested in this career path or anything you wish you had known earlier?

Learn about the whole career, its prospects and how hard it is and make sure it’s definitely what you want to do. Also, look at the modules for all three years and enquire about pre-requisites – I actually had to change course after my first year to make sure I could complete the modules I wanted to in my third year.

In ten words, or less how would you summarise your UON experience?

I really enjoyed it and I learnt so much about myself.