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REF2021 Research Impact

For REF 2021, impact was defined as the effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life, beyond academia.

HEIs were required to submit impact case studies that demonstrate the impacts their research has had beyond academia.

Impact accounted for 25% of the overall outcome awarded to each submission. Impact case studies were assessed against two criteria: reach and significance.

In UOA 23: Education 100% of our impact was assessed as being world leading/internationally excellent.

In UOA 17: Business and Management Studies 83.3% of our impact case studies was assessed as being internationally excellent.

In UOA 27: English Language and Literature 75% of our impact case studies was assessed as being internationally excellent.

In UOA 28: History 75% of our impact case studies was assessed as being internationally excellent.

All our impact case studies can be downloaded from the REF 2021 Impact Database.