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Research Profile

  • Students Aged 3-6 with Special Needs Working in Second Language Environments: Exploring the Transferability of Pedagogies from England to Taiwan

    This action research study begins by exploring and comparing pedagogic strategies developed by teachers working with young children aged 3-6 years in English and Taiwanese early childhood settings, particularly those children with Special Educational Needs as well as an additional language. In its second cycle, the study goes on to investigate the potential for transferability of such strategies from early childhood settings in England to early childhood settings in Taiwan.

  • Jane MURRAY

    Professor of Education

    • School of Education PhD Student Conference
    • Early Years Research Festival
  • Wen-Yen (Josephine) has been a teacher for over 15 years in the Early Years and a lecturer in the University and college in Taiwan. Moreover, Wen-Yen has taught nursery teachers who work with under two-year old children in training courses. Wen-Yen’s PhD research is to find out some useful teaching strategies for EAL or SEN children from English teachers and transfer these strategies to Taiwanese environment for CAL (Chinese as additional language) or SEN children.