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Research Profile

  • Peer Mentoring for secondary school students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)

    The aim of the research is to explore the uses of peer mentoring with students with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). The research involves students who are of secondary age range (11-18).

    The study is investigating what the barriers are and what can improve the peer mentoring process. It aims to ascertain the preferences of students with PMLD and investigate the views of the peer mentors about the peer mentoring process.

  • Jane MURRAY

    Professor of Education

  • Jessica has delivered presentations about her research to her colleagues at school informing them of the research and discussing her methodology.

    She has written her School’s policy regarding peer mentoring and currently manage the schools peer mentorship programme.

    She has exhibited a Poster about her research at the University of Northampton at the PGR student poster competition (May 2015).

    She has presented her research to date at the University of Northampton School of Education PG Conference (June 2015).

  • Jessica started teaching in 2008. After a year of teaching, Jessica decided to continue her studies further and focus on special education. In 2009, she undertook her MA at the University of Northampton and this sparked her interest for research in the area of education for students with profound and multiple learning difficulties.

    Currently, she is a part time PhD student and a part time teacher which she finds is a perfect balance as her research informs her practice.