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Research Profile

  • Evaluating the UK exotics pet trade: legal and ethical issues

    Since the enactment of the Pet Animals Act in 1951 to protect the welfare of animals sold as pets in the UK, buying habits have drastically changed, particularly with the rise of internet sales, thus rendering this legislation outdated and ineffective. There has also been a large rise in the popularity of exotic pets, seemingly due to their uniqueness, but little is known about their needs in captivity. The aim of this research is therefore to provide quantification of the problem and suggest recommendations as to how legislation could safeguard the welfare of exotic pets in the future.

  • Simon Sneddon

    Associate Professor in Learning & Teaching

  • Conferences

    • 2011: Sixth Student Animal Welfare Conference (UFAW link), Writtle College- Cognitive bias in domestic hens (Gallus gallus domesticus): optimism and the effects of environmental enrichment.
    • 2015: BIAZA Research Conference, Dublin Zoo: Nectar pot provision for rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) in a walk-through aviary.
    • 2015: CIRCLE Annual Research Symposium, Flamingo Land, Yorkshire: Nectar pot provision for rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) in a walk-through aviary.
  • Helen graduated from Coventry University with a BSc (Hons) in Animal Welfare in 2007. After this she began lecturing in the subject area at Moulton College, Northamptonshire, whilst completing an MSc in Animal Welfare (University of Northampton). With a strong interest in both maintaining the quality of HE provision and animal welfare research, she began her position as a Senior Lecturer in 2014, and then also started studying part-time for a PhD in 2015.