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Research Profile

  • Transforming Lives, Inspiring Change: Investigating the social impact of university access strategies and approaches.

    This research aims to evaluate and measure the social impact of widening participation activity within the University of Northampton. In particular, this will focus on initiatives to support students who are considered to be under-represented in Higher Education. This will provide the basis for the Whole Lifecycle Approach to widening access; beginning with pre-entry outreach and ending with employability post-graduation. This study will contribute to academic knowledge as well as improve the University of Northampton’s provision for supporting students from non-traditional backgrounds.

  • Richard Hazenberg

    Institute Director – ISII

  • Frances has joined the University of Northampton from the University of Bedfordshire, where she studied a BA and MA in Childhood and Youth Studies. Frances also worked as a Project Officer for the Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes Collaborative Network; delivering outreach activities to young people. In addition, Frances also taught first year units on her old degree course. Frances has a particular interest in widening participation, as it has been the focus of her academic and professional career for over five years and also benefited from outreach activity before joining Higher Education.