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Research Profile

  • To understand how teaching assistants (TAs) view their role in managing behaviour and what the points of tension are in fulfilling this role.

    The objectives and key research questions are:

    • to interrogate the role of the TA in managing classroom behaviour and how this is evolving
    • to identify factors which both enable and constrain TAs when managing behaviour
    • to explore how TAs understand the teacher : TA boundaries in relation to managing behaviour
    • to model the relationship between TAs; teaching Staff and school behaviour policies

    • Presented at Northampton Post Graduate Research Conference 2104, 2015.
    • Presenting and submitting a paper at the TEAN conference May 2016.
  • Emma has spent 17 years as a primary school teacher, where her roles included coordinating mathematics and ICT. Emma is now a cohort leader for 7 – 11 PGCE trainees at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln. Emma teaches on a range of modules offered on the PGCE, as well as undertaking teaching on the undergraduate programs. Her teaching interests include managing challenging behaviour, science and maths, as well as research skills. Her Masters’ degree in Education focused on managing challenging behaviour.