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University signs memorandum of understanding with two Chinese universities

Date 11.11.2015

The prominent universities, from the Zhejiang province in China, were on a visit to the region to meet with South East Midlands Universities.

Day One was a welcome in Milton Keynes, by Vice Chancellor Professor Nick Petford, who also signed the memorandum for The University of Northampton, and Day Two saw them visiting Northampton. The aim of the visit was to formalise a link with the Zhejiang universities covering student, academic and business partnerships, and between the universities and regions.

During their visit to the University, the Chinese VIPs found out more about the University’s social enterprise work, student enterprise development, and creative industries, along with environmental science and sustainable communities.

We welcome the opportunity to build a long term strategic partnership with two prominent Chinese universities in an entrepreneurial region. We see this as the start of an ongoing partnership that will include the exchange of academic staff, researchers and students.

This also provides us with a unique opportunity to develop joint degree programmes and collaborative research projects, devised for the needs of our regions; developing language and culture courses together with enterprise education, led by academics, researchers and supported by local entrepreneurs and businesses.

Vice Chancellor Professor Nick Petford

The Northampton visit was organised by Bill Toyer, Business Development Manager and Chris Durkin, Associate Director, Northampton Institute of Urban Affairs, who were also part of the collaborative group who organised the South East Midlands Universities visit.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our university to contribute to the development of the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership as a driver for innovation and enterprise on the national and international stage.

This visit from these two distinctive universities in Zhejiang marks the beginning of a region to region relationship. The South East Midlands Universities are building links that promote innovation, learning, research and business collaboration, and we hope this will underpin growing business and culturalties.

Bill Toyer and Chris Durkin