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University of Northampton lecturer takes part in Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival

Date 12.11.2015

Dr Gerri Kimber, Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Northampton, along with Kathleen Jones will look at the life and legacy of writer Katherine Mansfield to mark the 90th anniversary of her death during this year’s Oxford Literary Festival.

Katherine Mansfield was one of the 20th century’s most accomplished short story writers and counted D H Lawrence and Virginia Woolf among her close friends. Among her best-known stories are The Garden Party, The Daughters of the Late Colonel and The Fly.

Dr Gerri Kimber has co-edited The Collected Fiction of Katherine Mansfield to coincide with the anniversary. It is the first truly complete collection of Mansfield’s stories. Kathleen Jones is a biographer and poet. Her most recent biography is Katherine Mansfield: The Story-Teller.

The event will take place on Sunday 17 March at midday in Christ Church festival room 1. To book tickets for the event visit the Oxford Literary Festival website.