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The University responds to the Browne review

Date 11.11.2015

Peter Bush, Deputy to the Vice Chancellor at the University, said:

“We are cautiously optimistic about several of the key recommendations of the Browne review, not least the suggestion that students do not pay for tuition fees, only graduates do, and only then if their employment earnings go above £21,000 [up from the current level of £15,000].

“Another potential positive is that part-time students will receive the same levels of financial support as full-time students, a move which would prove beneficial to those requiring greater flexibility around their home, work and study commitments [the current system requires part-time students to pay upfront. It is proposed these costs will be eliminated, so that a wider range of people can access higher education].

“At the present time, if Lord Browne’s recommendations are accepted by the government, it is highly likely that The University of Northampton’s fees will have to increase. However, it is impossible for us to say exactly when and by how much, until we see the outcome of the government’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) later this month on 20 October.

“Whatever the final outcome, The University of Northampton remains determined to deliver a first-class experience and service to students from the widest possible range of backgrounds. We will continue to monitor developments carefully and make a further announcement as soon as we possess all of the relevant information.”