In the news: 26 Feb to 4 March 2021
Date 4.03.2021
Former Education Secretary, Justine Greening, has recorded a video praising the University for its commitment to social innovation. Our procurement policy has also been highlighted for having social impact at its heart, in this blog from Fit For Purpose.
Our huge donation to the Hope Centre homeless charity was featured by Northampton Life and the Chronicle & Echo.
Why would people in Britain would want to be fascists after the Holocaust? Historian Paul Jackson discussed the issue on Radio 4’s Britain’s Fascist Thread programme.
Our resident health expert, Dr Steve O’Brien, was on BBC Radio Northampton, on Tuesday, for his weekly chat about coronavirus with presenter Annabel Amos (clips at 1h 12m; 1h 42m; 2h 19m and 2h 45m.)
Our Visiting Professor of Sustainable Wastes Management, Margaret Bates, appeared on BBC1’s Panorama, on Monday, talking about the government’s failing policy on fly tipping.
Vice Chancellor, Professor Nick Petford, hosted the second instalment of his monthly Shout To The Top show, on NLive Radio, on Wednesday. This week’s episode was about policing.
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Cal Cooper, is co-host of the new Science Detectives feature on BBC Radio Northampton with presenter Helen Blaby. The first episode was about the science of flying, with pilot Emma Henderson (starts 1h 9m).
Northampton Life and East Midlands Business Link covered the story about UON giving away £5k of funding for organisations in Northamptonshire.
A former Northampton Borough councillor was featured in the Chronicle & Echo after fulfilling his dream of gaining a law qualification from the University.
Dr Jane Murray, from our Centre for Education and Research, appeared on NLive Radio to talk about the University’s community of online learning (starts 18m).
Our TV insider, Brendan Sheppard, isn’t impressed with Gordon Ramsay’s new gameshow, as you’ll hear in his weekly television review on BBC Radio Northampton (starts 1h 41m).