In the news: 10-23 November 2023
Date 23.11.2023
A selection of recent mentions in the media of University of Northampton and our students staff.
Members of our Science team gave their expert opinion to ITV Anglia News. Associate Professor Dr Jamal Nasir spoke about the accuracy of home DNA testing kits and Dr Alexandra Woodacre updated about the possible risk of salmonella if chickens are kept in poor conditions. The watch again link for Jamal is unavailable, but Alex’s expires around 7pm tonight (she features in both videos).
Deputy Dean of Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology Professor Sian Davies-Vollum spoke at a conference in Nigeria about possible collaborative projects with Yaba College of Technology, as reported by the New Telegraph.
The High Court ruled that plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda are unlawful. Senior Lecturer in Journalism Kate Ironside spoke to BBC 3 Counties about what could happen next. Listen again (starts at 2hrs and 7mins).
Discussing the same issue was one of Kate’s students – Jessica McLaughlin – who joined presenter Edward Adoo for the BBC 5 Live ‘Night Club’ headlines review. Listen again (starts at 3hrs and 44mins).
Earlier in the week Kate spoke with BBC Radio Leicester’s Ady Dayman as news broke that the Prime Minister was conducting a cabinet reshuffle. Listen again (starts at 3hrs and 8mins).
Members of the University’s Northamptonshire Dementia Research and Innovation Centre (NDRIC) will share findings from their evaluation of the Northamptonshire Memory Hubs an online talk to be held on Tuesday 28 November, as reported by the Northants Telegraph.
Fresh from Silverstone Technology Cluster’s Annual Innovation and Growth Conference, Senior Lecturer in Strategy and International Business Adrian Pryce spoke to the Cluster’s CEO of the Cluster during the latest edition of Open4Business on NLive Radio.