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Charity support is knitted together by UON’s Debbie and her sister

Date 26.01.2024

A University of Northampton (UON) staff member’s mission to turn woollen wares to charity cash continues with a whopping total for good causes.

Debbie Brumby and her sister Angie Rose knit woollen animals and more to raise funds for charity, selecting a different good cause each Christmas.

The lucky charity this festive season was the Kettering Food Bank. The total raised by the ‘crafty duo’s’ pumpkins, chocolate orange covers, slippers, and tea cosies was £2,000.

Debbie has been a Midwife for 23 years and since the end of 2021 she has worked as a Sessional Clinical Assessor for the University of Northampton Competence Test Centre.

Of her outside of work crafting, Debbie says: “We’re still knitting, getting ready for our annual Easter woollen chicks fundraiser; thank you to everyone who has supported us.

“This year, we are raising money for a charity close to our hearts – ACE (Autistic Children Embraced) – which offers support for parents and families of autistic children, such as arranging outings for families.

“My grandson is on the autism spectrum, so this is something really close to home; we hope we can hopefully help them make a difference and give support to more families.”

For more about Donna’s Angels and to buy the knitting products, see their Facebook group.