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Staff Profile

Mrs Lauren

Lecturer in Child & Adolescent Mental Health - Faculty of Health, Education and Society

Lecturer in Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Faculty of Health, Education and Society

  • Lauren initially trained as a Children’s Nurse and remains registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. She went on to complete the MSc Child and Adolescent Mental Health course at the University of Northampton and subsequently studied a PGDip in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy. She is an accredited CBT therapist working with children, young people and families and began teaching at the University in 2019.

  • Lauren is a Lecturer on the MSc in Child and Adolescent Mental Health course, module co-ordinating PSYM065 Therapeutic Interventions with Children, Young People and Families. She is also the module co-ordinator for the third year Undergraduate module, PSY3026 Child and Adolescent Mental Health and teaches on the Counselling modules both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.

  • Lauren is currently completing her Doctor of Professional Practice in Health and Social Care. Through this, Lauren is completing a variety of small research projects in preparation for her Doctoral Thesis. Along with her colleagues Luke Ward and Lauren McAllister, Lauren has recently been involved in a project exploring the felt sense of safety within the classroom. Lauren’s research interests largely focus on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, access to services and staff mentoring/supervision.

  • For publications, projects, datasets, research interests and activities, view Lauren Young’s research profile on Pure, the University of Northampton’s Research Explorer.