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Staff Profile

  • Jackie is an experienced mental health nurse and has worked in a broad range of mental health and learning disability settings prior to moving into Higher Education. She is the Lead of the Northamptonshire Dementia Research & Innovation Centre at UON and lead for Public and Patient Involvement.  Her subject specialisms are nursing and mental health research, with a particular focus on developing and implementing person-centred care pathways.  She works extensively with local organisations to evaluate their provision of health and social care services, including community-based interventions for people living with dementia. She is the Chair of the Northamptonshire Dementia Action Forum and is a member of the Leicestershire Dementia Action Alliance.

    Jackie has also established four community-based social groups for people with dementia; the Forget-me-nots Social YOD Group, Qualified by Experience (QBE) for former carers, and the Post-diagnostic Support UnityDEM Centre in Northamptonshire and the Lutterworth Share & Care Group for people with dementia and their carers in South Leicestershire. She has a particular interest in young onset dementia and has been a lead on the Alzheimer’s Society Angela Project (2016-19) looking at diagnostic accuracy and post-diagnostic support for young people with dementia; and is currently the Deputy Chair of Research at Young Dementia Network. She is also a member of the pan European Group InterDEM.

  • Jackie’s teaching interests and expertise include:

    • Advanced Dementia Care
    • Research Methods
    • Public Engagement
    • Psychological Wellbeing
    • Service design, development and evaluations
    • Mental Health
    • Ethics
  • The focus of Jackie’s research is working in partnership with people with dementia (PwD) and carers, health and social care providers, voluntary organisations, and students to design, develop, implement, and evaluate contemporary and innovative approaches to person centred community-based care and support. These have included the UON Changemaker Challenge Project, UnityDEM. This post-diagnostic support centre truly provides an innovative and unique care and support pathway for PwD and their carers in Northamptonshire. Jackie has also jointly led the Alzheimer’s Society funded three year Angela Project (2016-19) together with UCL and the University of Bradford. The central aims of this national study were to investigate diagnostic accuracy and post diagnostic support mechanisms for people with young onset dementia. As Chair of the Health Education England Thames Valley Dementia Academic Action Group (DAAG) project from 2014-16, Jackie led a cross-Universities team who designed and delivered Tier 1 Dementia awareness Training Packages. She has also designed and delivered Tier2 dementia training for GPs; and an Advanced Care Planning Training Project for people with dementia and carers.

  • For publications, projects, datasets, research interests and activities, view Jacqueline Parkes’s research profile on Pure, the University of Northampton’s Research Explorer.

  • Dröes, R. M., Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Graff, M., Murphy, K., … Zuidema, S. (2017). Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice. Ageing and Mental Health; Vol. 21, pp.4-17. Routledge.

    Ward, A., Sorensen, K.A., Kousgaard, H., Schack Thoft, D., Parkes, J.H. (2017) Going back to school – an opportunity for lifelong learning for people with dementia in Denmark (Innovative Practice). Dementia, 0(0) pp. 1–8 DOI: 10.1177/1471301218763190

    Ward, A., Parkes, J.H., Pyer, M., Hughes-Rowlands, R. (2017) A community event to raise awareness of dementia. The Journal of Dementia Care.  March/April 2018 Vol 26 No 2, pp. 16-17.

    Ward, A., Lomax, H., Parkes, J.H. (2018) A visual and creative approach to exploring people with dementia’s experiences of being students at a school in Denmark. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice. July 0(0) pp. 1–19 DOI:10.1177/1471301218786636

    Stamou V., La Fontaine J., Oyebode J., Jones B., Gage H., O’Malley M.,  Parkes J.H., Carter J. (2018) The ANGELA Project: improving diagnosis and post-diagnostic support for younger people with dementia and their families/supporters. FPOP Bulletin. 142, pp. 26-31. 2396- 9652.

    Schack Thoft, D., M. Pyer, Horsbol, A, Parkes, J.H. (2018) The Balanced Participation Model: sharing opportunities for giving people with early-stage dementia a voice in research. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice, Dec, pp. 0-20.

    Oliver, K., O’Malley, M., Parkes, J.H., Vasileios, S., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Carter, J. (2019) Living with Young Onset Dementia and actively shaping dementia research – The Angela Project. Dementia (Special Edition) (Accepted for publication 22nd Feb 2019)

    O’Malley, M., Parkes, J.H.,Vasileios, S., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Carter. (2019) Young onset dementia: A scoping review of key pointers to diagnostic accuracy, BJPsych Open. 5 (3) doi: 10.1192/bjo.2019.36. (Accepted for publication 30th March 2019).

    O’Malley, M., J., Carter, Vasileios, S., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, Parkes, J.H. (2019) Receiving a diagnosis of young onset dementia: a scoping review of lived experiences, Ageing and Mental Health, (Accepted for publication 24th September 2019)

    Stamou V., La Fontaine J., O’Malley M., Jones B., Gage H.,  Parkes J.H., Carter J. Oyebode J (2020) The Nature of positive post-diagnostic support as experienced by people with young onset dementia.  Journal of Ageing and Mental Health. (Accepted for publication 5th Feb 2020)

    O’Malley, M., Parkes, J.H.,Vasileios, S., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Carter (2020) International consensus on quality indicators for comprehensive assessment of dementia in young adults using a modified e-Delphi approach, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 35, pp. 1309-1321 DOI: 10.1002/gps.5368. (Accepted for publication 20th June 2020).

    Stamou V., La Fontaine J., Gage H., Jones B., Williams., O’Malley M.,  Parkes J.H., Carter J. Oyebode J (2020) Services for people with young onset dementia: The ‘Angela’ project national UK Survey of service use and satisfaction. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/gps.5437 (Accepted for publication 16th Sept 2020)

    O’Malley, M., Parkes, J.H.,Campbell, J., Vasileios, S., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Carter (2020) Receiving a diagnosisof young onset dementia: evidence-based statements to inform best practice, Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice (Accepted for publication 1st October 2020). ISSN 1471-3012 (In Press)