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Staff Profile

  • Amirhossein is working as the Partnership Curriculum Leader at the University of Northampton.

    Amirhossein is managing international partners across the world by developing and delivering quality content.

    • Coordinate at module or programme level the academic relationship between UON and international academic partners.

    Maintaining familiarity with an agreed subject portfolio of programmes and modules, including any planned curriculum changes through involvement in the Faculty’s assessment and feedback (moderation) and annual review processes. Liaise with module and programme leaders to plan and organize the module and programme materials for programmes delivered with partners. To provide academic oversight of quality and standards in relation to a subject-specific portfolio of programmes and modules at partner delivery organisations, particularly through moderation and feedback.

    • Ensure that the quality and standards of programmes delivered by the University’s partner organisations (the UK and international) are consistent with those delivered by the University.

    To implement the University’s quality assurance and enhancement processes, including monitoring, evaluation and feedback, using and analysing data, and ensuring the data informs action planning. Moderate student work in accordance with the University’s Assessment and Feedback Policy, record moderation comments and liaise with partner organisation staff to agree on final grades. Lead partners’ contribution to assessment boards to ensure that agreed grades are submitted in time to the Student Records Team and complete the grade checking process, taking responsibility for ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of the grade submission process. Ensure the implementation of the annual review process as it relates to partner organisations, contributing to the review of student outcomes and provision of feedback on partner organisation programme action plans to secure comparability of quality and standards.

  • Amirhossein is an Experienced Associate Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Amirhossein’s has thought various course at University of Northampton across international strategy and business and operations management subject area.

  • Amirhossein’s research mainly focuses in operations management and strategic performance measurement.