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Research Profile

  • Employing VANETs Technology To Alleviate Road Congestion In Real Time.

    The aim of this research is to design a novel algorithm for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for a city based on VANETs. The algorithm will be capable of estimating the level of congestion and analysis the traffic by collecting road information in real-time, leading to alleviate road congestion and reduce fuel consumption and pollution. In addition, It will deal with Instantaneous accident occasions, road works and roads amendments to provide instant actions list to the Transportation team to reduce congestion in a shorter time, as well as providing suitable alternative routes and conveying these to the relevant vehicles based on Road Side Unit devices.

    • Image research competition
    • Poster competition (4th place)
    • Northampton PGR conference
  • Marwan Al-Dabbagh is a senior lecturer in the Department of Computer sciences at the University of Mosul – IRAQ where he has been a faculty member since 2006.

    Marwan completed his Masters at the Iraqi Commission for Computer and Informatics in 2005 and his undergraduate studies at Mosul University in 2002. His research interests lie in the area of computer networking, with a focus on improving wireless communications. In recent years, he has focused on techniques related to VANETs.

    Currently, Marwan is a PhD student at the University of Northampton, his project is about employing VANETs to develop the road network in Northampton.