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Research Profile

  • The Efficacy of Herbal Nutraceuticals in Improving Captive Animal Welfare.

    Investigating the effects of Chamomile, Vervain, Lemon balm and Skullcap upon ingestion, in relation to their capacity for reducing anxiety and stress in animals. Phase one has investigated the effects behaviourally, cognitively and physiologically in socially housed domestic rats; phase two is moving on to study the effects in kennelled working dogs.

  • Alexander Lehner

    Senior Lecturer in Human Nutrition

    • January 2016: Letter published in Veterinary Record on the Impacts of Calming Nutraceuticals on Pet Behaviour.
    • November 2015: Discussion on Reducing Pet Anxiety on Fireworks Night, BBC Northampton Radio, Northampton.
    • October 2015: Poster Entry at UFAW/RSPCA Rodent Welfare Group Meeting, Newcastle.
    • June 2015: Poster Entry at the University of Northampton’s Annual Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, Northampton.
    • December 2013/14/15: The (5th, 6th, 7th) Annual Moulton College Research Symposium, Moulton College, Northampton.
  • Lauren worked as a Research Assistant on biodiversity monitoring projects whilst undertaking a BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences degree at the University of East Anglia (2008). She has worked within several animal industries (including equine, zoological and companion animal rehoming), which led her to pursue an MSc in Animal Welfare, producing her thesis in Dairy Cow welfare.

    Lauren applied for a PhD studentship at Moulton College, where she now teaches Animal Welfare and Management at both FE and HE level whilst completing her PhD part time. Her PhD research is in association with animal feed manufacturers Dodson & Horrell Ltd.