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Research Profile

  • Exploration of nurse managers’ Perceptions of contextual Factors Influencing Evidence-based Nursing Practice: An Organizational Case Study

    This is a research project aimed at determining factors influencing evidence-based practice in the Nigerian acute care setting utilizing a multiple case study approach. Two hospitals were chosen for this study and each from the Federal and state Ministries of health as the major health organization in Nigeria.

  • Academic and professional journals, conference papers.

  • Jude is a registered nurse with the Nursing & Midwifery Council of Nigeria. Jude has extensive experience and skills in general adult nursing, and has worked in both higher academic institution and clinical areas in Nigeria. Following secondary education, Jude studied Nursing Science in a Nigerian university where Jude obtained a Bachelor degree in Nursing Science in 2008. Jude obtained MSc Nursing in 2013 from the University of Northampton, and is currently studying for PhD at the University of Northampton.