Guidance on grades and resit opportunities
You need to read the following guidance if you have outstanding assessment opportunities which may affect your overall module grades, and/or your classification if you are a finalist.
If you have failed an item of assessment or have deferred (through successful application to the Mitigating Circumstances panel), details of specific items where you have an outstanding opportunity are displayed as part of your online results; indicated by an asterisk (*) against the overall grade.
Please check your module NILE site for resit coursework briefs and the Exams Office for resit examination timetables [student login required]. Please ensure that you have checked the resubmission deadlines for your assessment. N.B. There is no provision for late submission/extensions on resit work.
It is your decision whether you wish to take up the opportunity indicated in the paragraph above. You need to take account of the following factors:
- If your overall grade for the module is indicated as pass (A+ to E) and your online results profile shows an outstanding opportunity, you do not need to complete the deferral or referral in order to be credited with that module, but you may wish to do so in an attempt to improve your grade.
- If your overall grade for the module is a fail (FL/F+/F/F-/G) you need to take up your outstanding opportunity to resubmit this work, in an attempt to bring your overall grade up to a pass (A+ to D-).
- In some cases, if the outstanding assessment is only a small percentage of the assessment for the module, passing the resit assessment may still not enable you to pass the module overall. This will be dependent on how successful you have been across the rest of the assessment on the module. If you think you may be in this position, and would like some advice please contact the Academic Advisor for your School.
For items of assessment where you have failed and been required to resubmit, it is the better of the two grade outcomes you receive which will be carried through to calculate your final module grade.
If, once you have read all the guidance available you need further help you may contact the Academic Advisor for your School or the Assessment Office.
Finalists only
If you have had a degree classification calculated on the basis of your existing results (you must have passed all your modules overall), but you have failed or deferred an item of assessment for which you have a further opportunity, you are still entitled to submit this.
Any impact on your classification will be resolved following the subsequent resit examination board. Taking up these outstanding opportunities does not affect your entitlement to attend your graduation ceremony.