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Staff Profile

  • Dr Arai is a social and public health scientist with around 25 years’ research and teaching experience.

    She has designed and delivered modules at levels 3 to 8 and has taught on public health and health and social care programmes, as well as core academic, research and learning skills.

    In the past, she has worked at the Institute of Child Health (UCL), Institute of Education, City University (London) and the University of Bristol.

  • Leads on the professional project module, teaches on other public health modules.

  • Lisa’s research experience and interests are in the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families, and she has particular interests in service dis/engagement, the implementation and evaluation and of public health interventions, risk in health and social care and child protection in health service settings.

  • Peer-reviewed journal papers (full list):

    • Gregory, A., Arai, L., MacMillan, H. L., Howarth, E. et al. (2020). Children’s experiences and needs in situations of domestic violence. Health & Social care in the Community,
    • Arai, L., Heawood, A., Feder, G., Howarth, E., MacMillan, H., Moore, T.H., Stanley, N. & Gregory, A. (2019). Hope, agency, and the lived experience of violence: A qualitative systematic review of children’s perspectives on domestic violence and abuse. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, doi: 10.1177/1524838019849582
    • Roberts, H., Stephenson, T. & Arai, L. (2017). Bureaucracy, trust and time [letter]. Archives of Disease in Childhood,  doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2017-313175
    • Arai, L., Panca, M., Morris, S., Curtis-Tyler, K. Lucas, P. & Roberts, H. (2015). Time, monetary and other costs of participation in family-based child weight management interventions. PLOS One, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123782 
    • Curtis-Tyler, K., Arai, L., Stephenson, T. & Roberts, H. (2015). What makes for a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ paediatric diabetes service from the viewpoint of children, young people, carers and clinicians? Archives of Disease in Childhood, doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2014-307517
    • Arai, L., Stephenson, T. & Roberts, H. (2015). The unseen child and safeguarding. Archives of Disease in Childhood, doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2014-307294
    • Lucas, P.J., Curtis-Tyler, K., Arai, L., Stapley, S., Fagg, J. & Roberts, H.M. (2014). What works in practice? BMC Public Health, doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-614
    • Arai, L., Stapley, S. & Roberts, H. (2013). ‘Did not attends’ in children 0-10. Child: Care, Health & Development, doi: 10.1111/cch.12111
    • Oliver, K., Aicken, C. & Arai, L. (2013). Making the most of obesity research. Evidence & Policy, doi:org/10.1332/174426413X662617
    • Aicken, C., Roberts, H. & Arai, L. (2010). Mapping service activity. BMC Public Health, doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-310
    • Arai, L. (2009). Cross-national comparative research and teenage pregnancy. Critical Social Policy, doi: 10.1177/0261018309105185
    • Rodgers, M., Sowden, A., Petticrew, M., Arai, L., Britten, N., Popay, J. & Roberts, H. (2009). Testing methodological guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in systematic reviews. Evaluation, doi: abs/10.1177/1356389008097871
    • Arai, L. (2009). What a difference a decade makes. Social Policy & Society, doi: /10.1017/S1474746408004703
    • Arai, L., Britten, N., Popay, J., Roberts, H., Petticrew, M., Rodgers, M. & Sowden, A. (2007). Testing methodological developments in the conduct of narrative synthesis. Evidence & Policy, doi: 10.1332/174426407781738029
    • Lucas, P.J., Baird, J., Arai, L., Law, C. & Roberts, H.M. (2007). Worked examples of alternative methods for the synthesis of qualitative & quantitative research in systematic reviews.  BMC Medical Research Methodology, doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-7-4
    • Arai, L. (2007). Peer and neighbourhood influences on teenage pregnancy & fertility. Health & Place, doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2005.10.003
    • Lucas, P.J., Arai, L., Baird, J., Kleijnen, J., Law, C.M. & Roberts, H.M. (2007). A systematic review of lay views about infant size & growth. Archives of Disease in Childhood, doi: 10.1136/adc.2005.087288                                                  
    • Roen, K., Arai, L., Roberts, H. & Popay, J. (2006). Extending systematic reviews to include evidence on implementation. Social Science & Medicine, doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2006.02.013
    • Arai, L., Roen, K., Roberts, H. & Popay, J. (2005). It might work in Oklahoma but will it work in Oakhampton? Injury Prevention, doi: 10.1136/ip.2004.007336
    • Arai, L. & Harding, S. (2004).  A review of the epidemiological literature on the health of UK-born Black Caribbeans. Critical Public Health, doi: 10.1080/109581590410001725355
    • Arai, L. (2003). Low expectations, sexual attitudes and knowledge. The Sociological Review, doi: 10.1111/1467-954X.00415
    • Arai, L. (2003). British policy on teenage pregnancy and childbearing. Critical Social Policy, doi: /10.1177/0261018303023001496.

    Occasional & working papers (full list):

    • Arai, L. (2005). Migrants and public services in the UK: A review of the recent literature. COMPAS Working Paper. University of Oxford: COMPAS
    • Arai, L. & Harding, S. (2002). H&SC services for minority ethnic communities in the United Kingdom. MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit Occasional Paper No. 9. Glasgow: Medical Research Council
    • Arai, L. & Harding, S. (2002). UK-born Black Caribbeans: Generational changes in health and well-being. MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit Occasional Paper No 6. Glasgow: Medical Research Council.

    Books & book chapters (full list):

    • Arai, L. (ed.) (forthcoming, 2023). Foundations for 21st Century Health and Social Care: Theory and practice for nursing associates, assistant practitioners, support workers and beyond. London: Routledge.
    • Arai, L. (2019). Meeting the needs of pregnant and parenting teenagers using research: pointers for practice. In M. Robb and R. Thomson (Eds), Critical practice with children and young people. Bristol: Policy Press
    • Arai, L. (2017). Public health, social anxieties: The example of the English lone teenage mother. In F. Portier-Le Coq (Ed), Fertility, health and lone parenting: European contexts. Oxford: Routledge
    • Arai, L. (2010). Growing up: moving through time, place and space from babyhood to adolescence. In P. Foley and S. Leverett (Eds), Children and young people’s spaces: Developing practice. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
    • Arai, L. (2010). The surveillance of children, young people and families. In L. O’Dell and S. Leverett (Eds), Working with children and young people: Co-constructing practice. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
    • Arai, L. (2010). Domestic abuse and safeguarding children. In L. O’Dell and S. Leverett (Eds), Working with children and young people: Co-constructing practice. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
    • Arai, L. (2009). Teenage pregnancy: The making and unmaking of a problem. Bristol: Policy Press
    • Roberts, H., Arai, L., Roen, K. & Popay, J. (2006). What evidence do we have on implementation? In A. Killoran et al (Eds.), Public health evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press

    Research reports (full list):

    • Arai, L., Stapley, S., & Roberts, H. (2013). ‘Did not attends’ at child health appointments: Findings from a scoping review of the UK literature with a focus on 0-10 year olds. London: UCL
    • Bettany-Saltikov, J., Wellburn, S. Watson, P., Arai, L., Robinson, E. & Hamilton. S. (2011). An evaluation of the information needs of people with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis at the point of first diagnosis at the hospital clinic: Final Report.  Middlesbrough, UK: Teesside University, H&SC Institute
    • Arai, L. (2010). Moving forward: 21st century approaches to teenage pregnancy. London: Brook Advisory Centres
    • Aicken, C., Arai, L. & Roberts, H. (2008). Schemes to promote healthy weight among obese and overweight children in England. EPPI-Centre report no. 1607. London: Eppi-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London
    • Austerberry, H., Sawtell, M., Ingold, A., Wiggins, M., Arai, L. & Strange, V. (2008) Evaluation of the Teenage Health Demonstration Sites Programme: 1st Annual Report 2007. London: Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London
    • Sawtell, M., Austerberry, H., Ingold, A., Wiggins, M., Strange, V., Arai, L. & Aicken, C. (2008). NHS Teen Life Check evaluation: Final report. London: Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London
    • Arai, L., Liabo, K., Kunkler, R., Stevens, M. & Roberts, H. (2006). UK-based sexual health and HIV research scoping and mapping project: Project report. London: Child Health Research and Policy Unit    
    • Popay, J. Roberts, H., Sowden, A., Petticrew, M., Arai, L., Rodgers, M. & Britten, N. with Katrina Roen and Steven Duffy (2006). Guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis in systematic reviews. Version 1. Swindon: ESRC
    • Joughin, C., Arai, L., Khine, G., Roberts, H., Spencer, N., Blackburn, C., Logan, S. & Laing, G. (2003). The effectiveness of upstream interventions in reducing socio-economic health inequalities among children: Developing a strategy for a systematic review of the existing evidence. London: Health Development Agency
    • Popay, J., Arai, L., Roberts, H. & Roen, K. (2002). Exploring methodological and practical issues in the systematic review of factors affecting the implementation of child injury prevention initiatives. London: Health Development Agency
    • Mansfield, P., Reynolds, J. & Arai, L. (1999). What policy developments would be most likely to secure an improvement in marital stability? In J. Simons (Ed.) High divorce rates: The state of the evidence on reasons and remedies 2. London: Lord Chancellor’s Research Dept

    Selected blog posts/miscellaneous outputs:

    • Arai, L (2020). Covid-19 and the new geography of the everyday world. Discover Society. Available at:

    Selected presentations & media appearances:

    • ‘Where do I start with my research:  Top tips from a real-world case study’. Lunchtime Learning Event, Arden University, 10th May, 2018
    • VOICES: The impact on children of exposure to domestic violence and implications for a primary care response. Seminar presentation, School of Health Sciences, City (University of London), 10th July, 2017
    • Public health, social anxieties: The example of the English lone teenage mother. Conference presentation, The Health of One-Parent Families in the UK from the Black Report (1980) to the Marmot Review (2010), Monde Anglophone : politiques et sociétés (MAPS), Université Paris Sorbonne, 24th January 2014.